How to Get Bats Out of My Home?

Bats are fascinating creatures that play a crucial role in our ecosystem by helping control insect populations. However, when they reside in your home, they can become a nuisance and potentially pose health risks. If you’re wondering how to get bats out of your home safely and effectively, this comprehensive guide will provide you with […]

How Bats Get In a Home and the Issues They Cause

Believe it or not, bats are great animals for the environment. They control pests, pollinate plants, and disperse seeds. However, although they are beneficial for the ecosystem as a whole, they are not beneficial inside your home. They not only can cause expensive damage to your home, but they can also negatively affect the health […]

How Do Bats Get into Your Home?

We all love seeing Batman take on the Joker on the big screen, and while the caped crusader may be a welcome sight, a regular bat is not. Bats are nocturnal creatures, and usually will leave people alone, but sometimes they can make their way into our homes. As someone who’s been providing our bat […]

Which Animals Can Get into Your Chimney?

As someone who has been providing bird and animal removal to Delaware and Maryland for years, we’ve seen all kinds of animals get into some of the craziest places, but one of the most common ways critters can enter your home is through your chimney. We wanted to take some time today to talk about […]

Bat Removal Saves Lives

Bats are an essential part of our ecosystem. Not only do they help to control populations of flying insects like mosquitoes, but they are also vital pollinators. The work that they do throughout our environment is definitely important, but when they get into your home, they can cause some serious trouble. Today we’re going to […]

What Do You Do When a Bat Gets Into Your House?

Having a bat in your home can be a terrifying experience. What should you do? First things first, you need to remain calm, as any sudden movements or panicked noises could startle the bat. The next thing you’ll want to do is contact a Rehoboth, DE bat removal specialist. Before you find yourself in this […]