7 Signs You Have a Mouse or Rat in Your Home

No one wants to have a mouse or rat in their home, but unfortunately, sometimes they will get into our homes. At Bay Area Wildlife, we’ve been helping homeowners with this issue for years and wanted to talk today about seven signs you have a mouse or rat in your home. 1. Mysterious Noises in […]

The Damages Squirrels Can Cause to Your Home

Squirrels, those cute and seemingly harmless creatures, can wreak havoc on your home in ways you might not even realize. While they may be fun to watch as they scurry about your yard or climb trees, these furry little creatures can be a nuisance when they decide to make your home their own. In this […]

The Dangers of Unwanted Wild Animals in Your Home

Nobody wants to discover a wild animal in their home, but sometimes it’s something you have to deal with. There’s more developed land in the United States today than there ever has been, which has forced many wild animals to seek shelter within our houses. If you have a wild animal in your home, steer […]