How Birds Get Into Vents and How to Remove Them

Birds are a common sight around homes and buildings, and they often seek shelter in vents. Unfortunately, birds can cause damage to vents and create potential health hazards by leaving behind debris, feces, and nesting materials. If you suspect that there are birds inside your vents, it’s important to take action to remove them safely […]

How Bats Get In a Home and the Issues They Cause

Believe it or not, bats are great animals for the environment. They control pests, pollinate plants, and disperse seeds. However, although they are beneficial for the ecosystem as a whole, they are not beneficial inside your home. They not only can cause expensive damage to your home, but they can also negatively affect the health […]

Animal Removal in Beach Areas

Different areas have different ecosystems, and different animals live in different ecosystems. At Bay Area Wildlife, we’ve been providing our animal removal services to beach areas in Maryland and Delaware for years. Whether you’re in Ocean City, Bethany Beach, or any other beach community, we can help. Squirrel Removal in Ocean City, MD Squirrels live […]