How to Deter Snakes from Your Property

Living in an area abundant with wildlife has its perks, but encountering snakes on your property can be unsettling. At Bay Area Wildlife, we understand the importance of feeling secure in your surroundings. Here are some tried-and-tested methods to deter snakes and maintain a snake-free environment without compromising the ecosystem. Keep Your Yard Tidy Snakes […]

Are There Signs of Snakes In Your Home?

Do you suspect that your home is harboring unwanted slithering guests? Delaware and Maryland are home to over 27 species and subspecies of snakes, so it’s not unlikely that they can end up in or near your home at some point. Most of the snake species found in Maryland are not poisonous, but it can […]

Summer Snake Safety and You

The majority of snake bites happen in the summer when snakes tend to be the most active. So, whether you’ve found one in your house or you’ve seen one on a nature walk, you need to know how to stay safe when snakes slither up to you. Here’s what you need to know. Don’t Startle […]