How Do Squirrels Get in a House?

Squirrels, with their nimble agility and natural curiosity, can sometimes find their way into human habitats, much to the surprise and dismay of homeowners. Understanding how these resourceful creatures gain access to houses is the first step in preventing unwanted intrusions. Keep reading to explore the various ways squirrels can infiltrate homes and learn insights […]

Problems That Unwanted Mice Can Cause

Unwanted mice, a seemingly harmless nuisance, can wreak havoc on your property, posing a threat to both your health and the structural integrity of your home or business. At Bay Area Wildlife, we understand the significance of addressing this issue promptly. We wanted to take some time today to shed light on the problems that […]

The Damages Squirrels Can Cause to Your Home

Squirrels, those cute and seemingly harmless creatures, can wreak havoc on your home in ways you might not even realize. While they may be fun to watch as they scurry about your yard or climb trees, these furry little creatures can be a nuisance when they decide to make your home their own. In this […]

How Do Birds Get In Chimneys?

Chimneys are an important part of a house, serving a critical function by allowing smoke and other harmful gasses to escape the house. However, chimneys can sometimes become a safe haven for birds, causing damage to the chimney and potentially creating health hazards. But how exactly do birds get into your chimney? Keep reading to […]

How Birds Get Into Vents and How to Remove Them

Birds are a common sight around homes and buildings, and they often seek shelter in vents. Unfortunately, birds can cause damage to vents and create potential health hazards by leaving behind debris, feces, and nesting materials. If you suspect that there are birds inside your vents, it’s important to take action to remove them safely […]

Why Hire a Professional for Raccoon Removal in Maryland

Wildlife removal is not a job for DIYers and amateurs. It requires extensive training and expertise to not only locate and remove the animal but also to it in a humane way. This is especially true for sly raccoons. Raccoons are sneaky creatures that have the potential to destroy your house and affect your loved […]

Tis the Season for Critters to Find Shelter in Your Home

Animals prefer to make their homes in nature, but as more and more natural habitat is destroyed, more and more animals have made their homes in our homes. It’s Holiday season, and while it can be a fun and festive time for many, for animals it’s just cold. During the winter many animals will seek […]

The Dangers of Unwanted Wild Animals in Your Home

Nobody wants to discover a wild animal in their home, but sometimes it’s something you have to deal with. There’s more developed land in the United States today than there ever has been, which has forced many wild animals to seek shelter within our houses. If you have a wild animal in your home, steer […]

The Unforeseen Problems Critters in Your Home Can Cause

Nobody ever wants pests in their home, but sometimes we can overlook seemingly harmless critters making their way into your house. As the temperature changes, critters will look for shelter indoors and may end up in your house. Not only will they be unwanted guests, but they can also be the cause of various unforeseen […]