How Do Birds Get In Chimneys?

Chimneys are an important part of a house, serving a critical function by allowing smoke and other harmful gasses to escape the house. However, chimneys can sometimes become a safe haven for birds, causing damage to the chimney and potentially creating health hazards. But how exactly do birds get into your chimney? Keep reading to […]

Common Birds on the Eastern Shore that Can Cause Problems

Maryland is home to hundreds of species of birds. All of them are beautiful in their own way and when they’re in their natural habitats. They aren’t so nice and beautiful when they enter your home. Take a look at this list of the most common birds on the Eastern Shore that can cause problems […]

How Bats Get In a Home and the Issues They Cause

Believe it or not, bats are great animals for the environment. They control pests, pollinate plants, and disperse seeds. However, although they are beneficial for the ecosystem as a whole, they are not beneficial inside your home. They not only can cause expensive damage to your home, but they can also negatively affect the health […]