How Do Squirrels Get in a House?

Squirrels, with their nimble agility and natural curiosity, can sometimes find their way into human habitats, much to the surprise and dismay of homeowners. Understanding how these resourceful creatures gain access to houses is the first step in preventing unwanted intrusions. Keep reading to explore the various ways squirrels can infiltrate homes and learn insights […]

7 Signs You Have a Mouse or Rat in Your Home

No one wants to have a mouse or rat in their home, but unfortunately, sometimes they will get into our homes. At Bay Area Wildlife, we’ve been helping homeowners with this issue for years and wanted to talk today about seven signs you have a mouse or rat in your home. 1. Mysterious Noises in […]

How do Birds Get in Vents and What to do About It

Birds finding their way into your home’s vents can cause various problems, from creating noise disturbances to causing damage and health hazards. Understanding how these feathered intruders gain access to vents and taking appropriate action to address the issue is essential for maintaining a safe and comfortable living environment. Learn some of the ways birds […]

How to Deter Animals from Your Property

Living in the beautiful Chesapeake Bay Area comes with its fair share of encounters with wildlife. While the diverse flora and fauna contribute to the region’s charm, there are times when wildlife may venture too close to comfort, posing potential challenges for homeowners. At Bay Area Wildlife, we understand the importance of coexisting harmoniously with […]

Problems That Unwanted Mice Can Cause

Unwanted mice, a seemingly harmless nuisance, can wreak havoc on your property, posing a threat to both your health and the structural integrity of your home or business. At Bay Area Wildlife, we understand the significance of addressing this issue promptly. We wanted to take some time today to shed light on the problems that […]

The Damages Squirrels Can Cause to Your Home

Squirrels, those cute and seemingly harmless creatures, can wreak havoc on your home in ways you might not even realize. While they may be fun to watch as they scurry about your yard or climb trees, these furry little creatures can be a nuisance when they decide to make your home their own. In this […]

How to Get Bats Out of My Home?

Bats are fascinating creatures that play a crucial role in our ecosystem by helping control insect populations. However, when they reside in your home, they can become a nuisance and potentially pose health risks. If you’re wondering how to get bats out of your home safely and effectively, this comprehensive guide will provide you with […]

What Maryland Snakes Are Safe and Which Ones Aren’t?

Maryland’s diverse landscape is home to a wide variety of snake species, each playing a unique role in the delicate balance of its ecosystems. For residents and nature enthusiasts of the Bay Area, encountering these creatures is not uncommon. While most snakes are harmless and contribute to the area’s biodiversity, it’s important to be aware […]

Wildlife Removal Near Water

As dedicated wildlife removal specialists, we at Bay Area Wildlife have encountered numerous challenges throughout our careers. One of the most complex and delicate situations arises when wildlife finds its way near water bodies. These scenarios demand a unique set of skills, considerations, and strategies to ensure the safe and effective removal of the animals […]

Which Snakes in Maryland Are Dangerous

Maryland is known for its diverse ecosystems and stunning natural beauty. It is home to a variety of snake species. While the majority of these snakes are harmless and play crucial roles in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem, it’s important to be aware of the few venomous species that reside in the state. We’ve […]